Thursday, December 3, 2009

Like this trade?

I don't think Miami may be getting enought out of it. What do you think?

Like this trade?nba players

Lakers wouldn't trade Bynum away

Like this trade?nba draft prospects ,nba teams

It will never happen. First of all the Lakers are not trading Bynum away for two guys who would essentially back up Kobe and Odom. The Lakers were not willing to give up Bynum for Jason Kidd so what makes you think they would willingly give him up for two role players?

Secondly, nobody is going to trade for Mourning given that it is being reported that he is leaning towards retirement and has no interest in playing for anyone other than Miami.

I also fail to see how this deal significantly improves any of the teams involved. For the most part they would just be shuffling bench and role players around. There is no real point to a trade like this unless you are just looking to unload guys who want to move on and play elsewhere.
lakers wont trade bynum for sucky players, miami wont trade good role players for nobodies and alonzo prob retire soon.
Miami will not be getting enough you need to trade a starting center to the Pistons for Mourning.
Miami is getting screwed in this wannabe trade deal. I would reject it in a heartbeat.
yeah i agree with you. I have tried that before it is pretty hard to get a trade o match because of salaries.
If that goes down... Lakers will benefit the most
Tha LAkers aint Trading BYNUM for those 2 bench warmers.. They wouldne even give em up for jason Kidd...

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